Wh?t ?r? PIPS?
Currencies ?r? traded ?n ? price/ point (pip) system. E??h currency pair h?? ?t? ?wn pip value.
Wh?n ??u ??? ? FOREX price quote, you'll ??? ??m?th?ng listed l?k? this: EUR/USD 1.2210/13.
a) If ??u w?nt t? BUY th? EUR/USD ( meaning ??u BUY EUROS ?nd SELL US$ ) ??u buy 100,000 EUROS ?nd ??u SELL 122,130 US$, ?r ?n ?th?r words ??u receive 122,130 US$ f?r 100,000 EUROS.
B) If ??u w?nt t? SELL th? EUR/USD (meaning ??u SELL EUROS ?nd BUY US$) ??u buy 122,100 US$ ?nd sell 100,000 EUROS, ?r ?n ?th?r words ??u receive 100,000 EUROS f?r 122,100 US$.
Th? difference b?tw??n th? bid ?nd th? ??k price ?? referred t? ?? th? spread. In th? ?x?m?l? above, th? spread ?? 3 ?r 3 pips.
S?n?? th? US dollar ?? th? centerpiece ?f th? FOREX market, ?t ?? n?rm?ll? considered th? 'base' currency f?r quotes. In th? "Majors", th?? includes USD/JPY, USD/CHF ?nd USD/CAD. F?r th??? currencies ?nd m?n? others, quotes ?r? expressed ?? ? unit ?f $1 USD ??r th? ????nd currency quoted ?n th? pair.
F?r ?x?m?l? ? quote ?f USD/CHF 1.3000 means th?t fore ?n? U.S. dollar ??u receive 1.30 Swiss Francs. ?r ?n ?th?r words, ??u receive 1.30 Swiss Franc f?r ???h 1 US$.
Wh?n th? U.S. dollar ?? th? base unit ?nd ? currency quote g??? up, ?t means th? dollar h?? appreciated ?n v?lu? ?nd th? ?th?r currency h?? weakened. If th? USD/CHF quote ?b?v? increases t? 1.3050 th? dollar ?? stronger b???u?? ?t w?ll n?w buy m?r? Swiss Franc th?n before.
Th? thr?? exceptions t? th?? rule ?r? th? British pound (GBP), th? Australian dollar (AUD) ?nd th? Euro (EUR). In th??? cases, ??u m?ght ??? ? quote ?u?h ?? EUR/USD 1.2080, meaning th?t f?r EURO ??u receive 1.2080 U.S. Dollars.
In th??? thr?? currency pairs, wh?r? th? U.S. dollar ?? n?t th? base rate, ? rising quote means ? weakening dollar, ?? ?t n?w takes m?r? U.S. dollars t? equal ?n? Euro, British pound ?r ?n Australian dollar.
In ?th?r words, ?f ? currency quote g??? higher, th?t increases th? v?lu? ?f th? base currency. A l?w?r quote means th? base currency ?? weakening.
Currency pairs th?t d? n?t involve th? U.S. dollar ?r? called cross currencies, but th? calculation ?? th? same. F?r example, ? quote ?f EUR/JPY 134.50 signifies th?t ?n? Euro ?? equal t? 134.50 Japanese yen.
HOW TO BUY (g??ng LONG)and SELL (g??ng SHORT) ?n th? FOREX Market?
K??? ?n mind 2 v?r? important rules:
RULE #1) Cut ??ur LOOSING trades ?nd l?t ??ur WINNING trades RUN
YOU WILL HAVE LOSING TRADES. Ev?r? FOREX trader has. Th? secret is, th?t ? consistent, disciplined trader, ?t th? ?nd ?f th? day, adds u? m?r? winning trades th?n losing trades.
Wh?n ??u ?nd ??? ?n ??ur charts, w?th?ut ?n? doubt, th?t ??u ?r? ?n ? losing trade, don't k??? losing money. M??t ?f th? novice traders ?r? lowering th??r stop loss ?u?t t? prove th?? ?r? r?ght ?r hoping th?t th? market w?ll reverse . 99% ?f th??? trades, ?r? ?nd?ng u? w?th m?r? losses. M??t ?f th? profitable trades ?r? u?u?ll? "right" immediately.
Remember, smart traders kn?w th?r? ?r? m?n? ?th?r opportunities. CUT ??ur losses short ?nd compound th??? winning positions.
RULE 2) NEVER EVER trade FOREX w?th?ut placing ? Stop Loss Order.
PLACE ? STOP order, r?ght ?l?ng w?th ??ur ENTRY order, v?? ??ur online trading station, t? prevent potential losses.
B?f?r? initiating ?n? trade, ??u h?v? t? calculate ?t wh?t point ( price) ??u w?uld b? wrong, b???u?? th? market changed direction, ?nd w?uld w?nt t? cut ??ur losses.
T? m?k? profits, ?n th? FOREX, ? trader ??n enter th? market w?th ? *buy position* (known ?? g??ng "long") ?r ? *sell position* (known ?? g??ng "short").
A? ?n ?x?m?l? let's assume you've b??n studying th? EURO. Th? EURO ?? paired f?r?t w?th th? U.S. dollar ?r USD.
Y?ur trading methods, rules, strategies, etc., t?ll ??u th?t th? EURO w?ll rice ?n th? n?xt 2 weeks, S? ??u buy th? EUR/USD pair meaning ??u w?ll simultaneously buy EUROS, ?nd SELL dollars).
Y?u open u? ??ur excellent trading station software (provided t? ??u f?r free b? Fenix Capital Management, LLC fenixcapitalmanagement.com ) ?nd ??u ??? th?t th? EUR/USD pair ?? trading at: EUR/USD: 1.2010/1.2013.
A? ??u ??u b?l??v? th?t th? market price f?r th? EUR/USD pair w?ll g? higher, ??u w?ll enter ? 'buy position' ?n th? market.
A? ?n example, l?t? ??? ??u bought ?n? lot EUR/USD ?t 1.2013. A? long ?? ??u sell b??k th? pair ?t ? higher price, th?n ??u m?k? money.
T? illustrate ? typical FX SELL trade, ??n??d?r th?? scenario involving th? USD/JPY currency pair:
REMEMBER Selling ("going short") th? currency pair implies selling th? first, base currency, ?nd buying th? second, quote currency. Y?u sell th? currency pair ?f ??u b?l??v? th? base currency (USD) w?ll g? d?wn relative t? th? quote currency (JPY), ?r equivalently, th?t th? quote currency (JPY) w?ll g? u? relative t? th? base currency (USD).
Th? Profit Calculations, ?n th? Short-sell trade scenario below, m?? ???m ??m?wh?t complicated ?f you've n?v?r b??n ?n th? FOREX market before, but th?? process ?? continually calculated thr?ugh ??ur broker trade station (software). I show ??u th?? process b?l?w ?? ??u ??n SEE h?w ? PROFIT m?ght occur.
Th? current bid/ask price f?r USD/JPY ?? 107.50/107.54, meaning ??u ??n buy $1 US f?r 107.54 YEN, ?r sell $1 US f?r 107.50 YEN.
Suppose ??u th?nk th?t th? US Dollar (USD) ?? overvalued ?g??n?t th? YEN (JPY). T? execute th?? strategy, ??u w?uld sell Dollars (simultaneously buying YEN), ?nd th?n wait f?r th? exchange rate t? rise.
Y?ur trade w?uld b? th? following: ??u sell 1 lot USD (US $100,000) ?nd ??u buy 1 lot JPY (10,754.000 YEN). (Remember, ?t 0.25 % margin, ??ur initial margin deposit f?r th?? trade w?uld b? $250.)
A? ??u expected, USD/JPY falls t? 106.50/106.54, meaning ??u ??n n?w buy $1 US f?r $106.54 Japanese YEN ?r sell $1 US f?r 106.50.
S?n?? you're short dollars (and ?r? long YEN), ??u mu?t n?w buy dollars ?nd sell b??k th? YEN t? realize ?n? profit.
Y?u buy US $100,000 ?t th? current USD/JPY rate ?f 106.54, ?nd receive 10,654,000 YEN. S?n?? ??u originally bought (paid for) 10,754,000 YEN, ??ur profit ?? 100,000 YEN.
T? calculate ??ur P&L ?n terms ?f US dollars, divide 100,000 b? th? current USD/JPY rate ?f 106.54. Total profit = US $938.61. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.